Harmonizing Vines and Beats: Unveiling Sem Jacobs’ Enchanting Live Set on a Vineyard

2 years ago
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interview sem jacobs vineyard live set

Heey Sem, we spoke last year but how has 2023 been for you so far?

Hey Guys, good to talk to you again. 2023 has been great, I’ve been working on a lot of new music, did some cool gigs and the rest of the year is looking even better. 

Today we’re chatting with you about a very special project, could you tell us a bit more about it?

Yeah, so over the last few months I worked on a very special live set I recorded a few weeks ago in a beautiful vineyard in The Netherlands, called Raarberg. Together with Maslow Unknown, I will release this 1 hour live set on the 28th of June with lots of my own (and new unreleased) tunes. 

For the ones who don’t know, how did you come up with the idea of recording the set in a vineyard.

First of all, the reason for recording this set was because I wanted to show everyone where I stand for as an artist, what music I create and what I like to play. Last year I started solo and created a whole concept based on the beautiful product of wine around me and my label. The reason is because I love wine and the stories behind each and every wine bottle. And because of my roots, I’m from a hospitality family so that’s how I chose this theme for my artistic and label concept. The funny thing is that some people are already really digging this and reacting with cool wine terms and quotes on my post and music etc. and that is so cool to see. But I am also fully aware of the fact that lots of people still need to get to know me so that’s why I came up with this Vineyard Live Set, to show everyone who I am.

When is the set going to be released?

The set will be premiered on Wednesday the 28th of June on the YouTube Channel of Maslow Unknown.

Presave link below:

Why did you team up with Maslow Unknown on this project?

The biggest reason is because I just love this channel and actually, I am a big fan of it too, since the beginning I always checked all the cool tunes they were sharing. And I know that a lot of big DJ’s out there are digging it too. I love the vibe and the style of the channel and thought it would be great if we could collaborate on this project together. Besides, Maslow has been very supportive with sharing my first few releases and I also wanted to give something back for the trust that the channel gave me. Just want to add that Lee, the guy behind this channel, is so passionate and I just love to work with these kinds of people. We both can’t wait to share the video haha..

What kind of music can we expect in this live set?

Lottssss of new stuff from myself and other tunes you probably didn’t hear before.

Is this set something you consider doing more often?

Who knows… If you guys dig it, then I might consider doing this again sometime 😉 .

Your label, FUNKiMAN, has seen a lot of support, how’s everything going with the label?

It’s going so well, makes me so happy to see so many great artists supporting the music and all the cool reactions of the people listening to all the tunes constantly. I’m really happy with how the label turned out and this is only the first year, with the first few tracks. It’s pretty sick when I think about it. And also a big shout out to my team helping me with this of course. You know what, the reason why I started this is not only because it’s a smart move to do it, marketing wise etc etc, it’s just because I love to share this music for the people and it makes me really happy to see that a lot of them are enjoying it.  

What other things are coming up for you this year?

A lot of exciting stuff, cool gigs in both in and outside of The Netherlands, some debuts, lots of new music coming up (of which you’ll have the preview in this video), some cool releases on FUNKiMAN and I am working on much more interesting stuff. For now, I’ll keep it a bit mysterious, because I like it like that haha.. Just make sure to keep an eye out on my socials to see all the cool things that are coming up. 

One last question, red, white, rosé or sparkling wine?

For me personally, red is my favorite. it’s also the safest choice, as there are lots of great wines but also lots of terrible ones out there haha. I mean, I like everything, but red is my number one, thereafter white and rosé for in the summer and sparkling wine just for a celebration or something.

Thanks Sem for answering the questions, can’t wait to see the video!

My pleasure, thanks for having me and yeah me too, I can’t wait to share it with you guys.

Instagram Sem Jacobs

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