Parallels release Debut LP, “A Day At”

3 years ago
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parallels debup lp a day at

Do you ever listen to the sound around you? What can you hear? What sounds define your day?

These are the questions that the Parallells brothers ask themselves when taking their audience on a sonic expedition to explore places where unexpected sounds become the center of their music.

The ‘A Day At’ concept, from Parallells, started in 2017 when they were helping their uncle in his leather factory, manufacturing belts. The variety of melodic sounds during the manufacturing process, from small tools to big machinery, quickly became the soundtrack to their day and the inspiration behind their very first song – The Factory.

Little did they know it would lead them on a sonic expedition to explore places where unexpected sounds became the center of their musical pieces. A carpentry, a ski station, a supermarket, an airport, or a kitchen were their creative playground. The sawing of wood, the chopping of carrots, the rustling of plants, the click of a ski-shoe, and the shaking of quinoa are just some examples of sounds that inspired their creativity.

After years of gathering sounds and composing the basis of their album. They teamed up with conservatorium musicians Nicolo Ricci on Sax tenor, Alessandro Mazzieri on Base, and Simone Cesarini on Guitar who helped them sculpt the final touches to the album.

A fusion of jazzy vibe with concrete sound recording and electronic elements is the foundation of their first album “A Day At”

Parallels release Debut LP, A Day At

Album Drops 11th November via Klassified

Artist: Parallells
Title: A Day At 
Label: Klassified
Release Date: 11.11.2021
Catalogue: KL018

1. The Studio
2. The Airport
3. The Kitchen
4. The Research Center
5. The Supermarket
6. The Dentist
7. The Greenhouse 
8. The Ski Station
9. The Carpentry
10. The Factory
11. To Be Continued

Artist Bio

The two brothers of Dutch origin grew up influenced by jazz and classical music – after having traveled the world enriching themselves in different cultures and sounds, are now settled in Amsterdam as composers, performing artists, and label owners of “Klassified”.

Combining their individual characters and close bond with a shared love of creation and composition, a symbiosis in brotherhood is shown in a conversation between instruments, voices, sound recordings, and electronic waves illustrating the rhythm of everydays’ life

Proposing either live, hybrid or DJ acts, Parallells offers a groovy, dynamic and powerful experience through sound. They previously performed at Burning Man on major stages such as Robot Heart, Mayan Warrior; major international festivals such as DGTL, Day Zero, Fusion, SXM, Caprices, Les Plages Electroniques, Afrikaburn, and Wonderfruit to name a few. 

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